The Real Meaning Of Meditation with Amy Pearce-Hayden

Kula Yoga & Wellness offers a wide variety of workshops for all yogis. The Yoga Sutras define meditation as a highly refined state of effortless unbroken concentration, which first requires proficiency in concentration, control of the senses as well as deep relaxation. According to the ancient text the ability to both witness the self and its thoughts as well as realize that we are something greater than them serve as meditation’s power. During this Immersion Amy will take time to outline not only the technical components that outline a successful meditation practice, but will also take you through a series of practices so that you can begin to experience the witness mind in a deeper state of relaxation. Home practice handouts and meditation will accompany the workshop. (All levels welcome).

October 23rd 1pm-3:30pm at Cottage Grove. Sign up to reserve your spot!